blog Thailand

I’m going to write a blog at least once a week in every country that I’m in. So Starting with Thailand.

Feb 3

Hi there, my first ever published writing. I have been in Thailand for a week, I thought it could be nice to write a blogpost every week. I stay up to date, but you as well. I arrived in Bangkok on Tuesday the 21st of January. This week has given me the lowest and highest ups and downs. Spending a night on the train in the 3rd class with a fan, never again, no sleep but it only costs me 7$ to get me on the other side of the country, so that’s good. Met some amazing new friends in Bangkok and shared so many amazing memories with them. A lot has changed, in the last two years. Which makes sense, life goes on. So does Thailand.

I’m on a tropical island, where I used to live: with beaches, snorkelling, food, everything you can think of. So I am renting a room for 1 month. Living on my own. For the last 3 years I have been staying in hostels mostly. But now I want to travel a bit slower as well, take time for all the places. So I hope I can accomplish that with renting occasionally. This time, this trip I don’t have an end date. So when I will go, I don’t know, and no plan is the best plan, so that’s how I am moving forward.

See you next week!

Feb 12

Hello, now in Thailand for 3 weeks. So much has changed since, the island (Koh Tao) is busy, but still so fun. I now can say I made some new friends, and I have also decided to stay 2 weeks longer. I have an amazing room for myself, a little cabin tucked away behind a locals house. Right before the sun sets the golden hour shines into my cabin, love those small things.

Tomorrow I’m going to start with my refresh course for diving. (I forgot to dive the last 2 years…) But now going for it again, even want to do my advanced. Hopefully one day I can bring my camera underwater and show you guys a completely different world.

How I feel, well I could be more productive, but times flies by, I have been trying to discover new spots, viewpoints, beaches, restaurants, etc. That has been interesting fun. The constant curiosity to explore more. It is definitely still there. I have to bring my camera along more, so I can show you guys as well.

My health, I arrived on the island and I only had liquids coming out, it is running around. That is also better these days. :)

See you with my next update!

March 3

I have been living on Ko Tao for a month+. And I am loving life, I have my own little house with everything that I need, one of my friends left the island and I took over his tv, 2 screens when I work and a cinema at night. The island is so beautiful, today I started my day with breakfast and snorkelling, what an amazing way to begin any day.

This picture on the left, very much out of my comfort zone to be in front of the camera, and modelling. Still it turned out good and happy that I did it. Did my first photoshoot, which was honestly such a good experience and a fun day. And the pictures turned out good, check my portfolio!

I decided to stay on the island until Sonkran in April. And there are some cool projects coming up, super excited to expand my portfolio as much as I can while I’m here on the island. It is easier to live somewhere for longer, you get to know more people and make connections.

See ya!